Object of this Association are the following
- To consider the matters affecting the interests of the legal profession in Haldwani,District Nainital.
- To co-operate with other similar association in any object of comman interest.
- To maintain high professional tone among the members of the associatuion.
- To suppress unprofessional practices and to enforce discipline amongst the members of the Bar.
- To fund and maintain a Library.
- To extend a helping hand to poor litigants whose cause is genuine
Haldwani Bar Association was formed in the year 1978. Under the guidance of Advocate Sri Surendra Singh Rawat, the first President. And advocate Sri Y.S.mehra, the First Secretary of Haldwani Bar Association. This was a changing factor in the working of the Advocates. In 1978 there was approximate four dozen members in the Haldwani Bar association. Presently more than 560 registered members of the Bar association of Haldwani. Gradually feeling the day to day problems and the Advocates in Person. The welfare activity has been started by the different elected Executive body under the able guidance of chair person of the bar and its members.
The association has done the following works in their respective tenure:-
- Glimpse of Haldwani Bar Association in the Uttarakhand
- Chambers for Advocates,
- The Only Digital library in uttarakhand has been established,
- The manual library with precious Books with Air conditioned hall.
- Beside There is a big Bar Room ,For the recreation of the advocate in their leisure time.
- Haldwani Bar Association has its Bar Room at campus of Labour Courts,Campus of Sub-Divisional Magistrate courts in Haldwani.
The Haldwani Bar Association is an autonomous statutory body constituted under Advocates Act, 1961 with and having wide varied powers, functions and duties. The Haldwani Bar Association is required to discharge statutory duties under the Advocates Act, 1961, Advocates? Welfare Fund Act, 2001, Bar Council of India Rules and other Rules. The Haldwani Bar Association, Haldwani is a voluntary association of practicing Lawyers. The office bearers of Association are elected every year by way of a secret ballot and election is held by an independent election commission, the chief election commissioner takes charge of every task related to the conduct of elections before a prescribed period from the elections.
New website of Haldwani Bar Association is launched on 4th December 2016.